Sunday, October 30, 2011

Exciting Days at EWC

These are exciting days at Edgerton Wesleyan Church. Our worship attendance has grown to the point where we are pushing up against the 80% capacity barrier of our sanctuary. Sunday School is near capacity. There are some Sundays when people have to park in the yard because the parking lot is full. Exciting!

Today I shared with the church the option of going to two worship services. We are currently exploring two different Sunday morning formats as well as a Saturday night service. The congregation received the information very well today. The church board and I have been working on this for a few months, and a focus group we brought in has endorsed the overall concept. Now we have to get a feel for which format would best serve this congregation / community.

Good days!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


My oldest daughter recently took in a "temporary" dog with the intention of trying to find a home for it. Unfortunately for her, the dog is making himself at home and endearing himself to my grandson, my son-in-law, and the family dog. I think I know how this is going to end...

Some of the "strays" that enter our lives (good or bad):
- thoughts that lead us away from God's will in our lives
- people in need who are really divine appointments
- challenges to our thinking about orthodox faith
- challenging people who say they want our help but really don't
- opportunities to grow

Some strays are good. Some, not so much. What are some strays that come to your mind?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Random Thoughts

I saw a great t-shirt the other day: "Guns don't kill people. Dads with pretty daughters do." If anyone needs a Christmas gift idea, I take a large.

People who criticize you for doing something you thought was nice or for their benefit seldom if ever notice when you correct your "error."

The virtue of confidentiality is nearly extinct.

Hard work produces results, which in turn require more hard work. This is a good thing.

It's easier to plant a garden in the spring than it is to clean up the area in the fall.

People don't do what is expected. They do what is inspected.

Organization is not over-rated. It's understated.

A Sunday school teacher asked his class if they thought Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark. Little Johnny replied, "How could he with just two worms?"

Monday, October 17, 2011

Funny Guy

We spent time on Skype last night with Sarah, Adam, and our amazing grandson, Micah. He is a riot! He is finally at a point where he knows who we are on Skype and engages with us in a form of conversation that, at this point, only he really knows where it is going. Even so, he is entertaining! Micah is growing up so fast. He has become the family farmer, feeding the chickens every day and making sure his dog, Sable, is being good. He certainly enjoys every waking moment of every day!

Monday, October 10, 2011


It's a great thing to have friends! Our dear friends, Paul & Gale Imboden, are headed off for Arizona in a few days. They will be living out of their motor home and working in a campground during the winter. Gale has played piano for our church for many years, and Paul is an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene. While not formally appointed, they are missionaries in a camping ministry. We celebrated with them at church yesterday, and we pray for their safe travel as they head out across the country. We love you guys! Check out their blog at

Sunday, October 2, 2011

On Dying Churches

As a part of my responsibility as an assistant to the district superintendent, I attended the final service of a church in our district today. As I oversaw their final time meeting as a congregation, I was struck by a few thoughts.

It's a sad day when a church has to close. This church didn't have the resources to carry on. The pastor realized this and led the church into the decision to shut its doors. Efforts to reach into the community had failed for many years (20+). The church no longer had a positive image in the neighborhood.

It's a hard day for the pastor. Having had to close a church under my watch, I know how emotionally and spiritually debilitating it is to say "It's over." You battle questions as to whether or not you did everything you could to save the church. You battle depression as the enemy loves to make you think you are a failure. You battle a sense of abandonment as your peers keep their distance for a variety of reasons, none of which is justifiable.

It's a discouraging day for a community, though it probably doesn't realize the impact of a closed church. A source of light is gone. Even if the church has been in decline for years, there was always that chance that someone could be helped by that ministry.

Though those thoughts are negative, there is one positive. The Kingdom goes on! The gospel will still be shared by those true believers who move on and join other churches. Jesus said, "I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it." (Matthew 16:18, NLT). When I think of some of the people from my own church closer several years ago, I thank God that they are still serving Him all over the U.S. - Dave & Julie in Georgia, Patrick & Kathy in Arizona, Scott & Amy in Indiana, etc. God is still on the throne and will use those who are fully committed to Him!

Yes, it's a sad day when a church closes its doors, but believers will always have an impact, for WE are His Church!